315 464-8668


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Neuroimmunology: Regulation of genes involved in innate immunity and chronic inflammation in the CNS

Neurovirology: CNS-specific mechanisms involved in viral neurotropis, 对于, 持久性, 炎症和抗病毒状态.

Neurodegeneration: Neuron-specific regulation of apoptotic genes by NF-kappa B and mechanisms regulating CNS-specific mitochondrial bioenergetics.




博士后: Neuroimmunology Branch, National Institutes of Health, 1990, Neuroimmunology
博士后: University of Wuerzburg, Germany, 1987, Neurovirology
PhD: University of Connecticut, 1983, 神经科学




Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) expressed on cells are important for detecting pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPS) during virus infections and promoting innate inflammatory immune responses to the virus. While these responses are essential for eradication of a virus from the host,  these responses may lead to extensive immunopathogenic tissue damage if not properly regulated. Among the myriad of proteins that regulate these responses in cells, the most critical is the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1. As such, SHP-1 has been shown to be a key negative regulator of signaling intensiity through both PRRs and proinflammatory cytokine receptors expressed on cells. Our current goal is to determine the mechanisms by which SHP-1 appropriately controls the biological activities of these receptors during pathogen-induced inflammatory responses in various tissues and how these controls might be disrupted during severe inflammatory diseases particularly within the central nervous system.


Massa, P.T. 吴,C. 1996  The role of protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 in the regulation of IFN-γ signaling in neural cells.  J. Immunol. 157:5139-5144.

Massa, P.T. 吴,C. 1998 Increased inducible activation of NF-κB and responsive genes in astrocytes deficient in the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1.   J. 干扰素和细胞因子. 18:499-507.

Massa, P.T.惠特尼,L.W., Wu, C.罗普卡,S.L.Jarosinski, K.W. 1999 A mechanism for selective induction of 2’-5’ oligoadenylate synthetase, 抗病毒的状态,  but not MHC class I genes  by interferon-beta in neurons. J. Neurovirol.5:161-171.

Massa,P.T. ,萨哈,S., Wu,C.Jarosinski K.W. 2000 Expression and function of  the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 in oligodendrocytes.  神经胶质29:376 - 385.

Jarosinski K.W.惠特尼,L.W. 马萨,P.T. 2001 Specific deficiency in NF-κB activation in neurons of the central nervous system. Lab. Invest. 81:1275-1288.

Jarosinski K.W. 马萨,P.T. 2002 Interferon regulatory factor-1 is required for interferon-γ-induced MHC class I genes in astrocytes  J. Neuroimmunol.122:74-84.

Massa, P.T.罗普卡,S.,萨哈,S.费琴科,K. Beuler, K..  2002  A critical role for protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 in controlling infection and demyelination by Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus.  J. Virol. 76: 8335-8346

Massa, P.T., Wu,C.和K . Fecenko-Tacka. 2004  Dysmyelination and reduced myelin basic protein gene expression by oligodendrocytes of SHP-1-deficient mice. J. Neurosci. Res. 77:15-25.  

波拿巴,K.L.哈德逊,C., Wu, C. 马萨,P.T. 2006. Inverse regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and arginase I by the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 in CNS glia. 神经学报53:827-835.

Massa, P.T.Aleyasin, H.马里兰州帕克市.S., Mao, X.Barger, S.W.  NF-κB在神经元中的表达?  神经生物学中的不确定性原理.   J. Neurochem. 97: 607-618.
哈德逊,C.A.克里斯托夫,G.P., Cao, L.格鲁伯,R.C.马萨,P.T. 2006 Regulation of avoidant behaviors and pain by the anti-inflammatory tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1.  神经胶质生物学.  2: 235-246.

Christophi G.P.哈德逊,C.A.格鲁伯,R.C.克里斯托夫,C.P.米海,C.,墨西哥,路易斯安那州.J.朱贝尔特,B.马萨,P.T. 2008 SHP-1 deficiency and increased inflammatory gene expression in PBMCs of multiple sclerosis patients. Lab. Invest. 88: 243-255.

Christophi G.P.哈德逊,C.A.格鲁伯,R.克里斯托夫,C.P.马萨,P.T.  2008 Promoter-specific induction of the phosphatase SHP-1 by viral infection and cytokines in CNS glia.  J. Neurochem.105:  2511-2523.

哈德逊,C.A.克里斯托夫,G.P.格鲁伯,R.C.威尔默,J.R.劳伦斯,D。.A.马萨,P.T. 2008 Induction of IL-33 expression and activity in central nervous system glia.  J. Leuk. Biol. 84: 631-643.

Christophi G.P.哈德逊,C.A.帕诺斯,M.格鲁伯,R.C. 马萨,P.T. 2009 Modulation of macrophage infiltration and inflammatory activity by the phosphatase SHP-1 in virus-induced demyelinating disease.           J. Virol. 82: 522-539.

Christophi G. P., M. 帕诺斯,C. A. 哈德逊,R.L. Christophi R. C. 格鲁伯,. T. Mersich,年代. D. Blystone B. 朱贝尔特和P. T. Massa. 2009. Macrophages of multiple sclerosis patients display deficient SHP-1 expression and enhance inflammatory phenotype.  Lab. Invest. 89: 742-759.

Christophi G.P.帕诺斯,M.哈德逊,C.A.Tsikkou C.米海,C.,墨西哥,L.J.朱贝尔特,B.马萨,P.T.  2009 Interferon–beta treatment in multiple sclerosis attenuates inflammatory gene expression through inducible activity of the phosphatase SHP-1.  Clin. Immunol.  133: 27-44

Christophi G.P. 马萨,P.T.  2009  Central 对于 and demyelination by inflammatory macrophages following peripheral virus infection is controlled by SHP-1.  病毒Immunol.  22: 371-387.

CHRISTOPHI G. P.克里斯托夫,j. A.,格鲁伯,r. C.米海,c.,墨西哥,1. J.,马萨,p. T. & JUBELT B. 2011. Quantitative differences in the immunomodulatory effects of Rebif and Avonex in IFN-beta 1a treated multiple sclerosis patients. 中华神经科学杂志,2003,19 (4):391 - 391.

CHRISTOPHI G. P.,格鲁伯,r. C.潘诺斯,m.克里斯托弗,r. L.,朱贝尔特,b. & 马萨,P. T. 2012. Interleukin-33 upregulation in peripheral leukocytes and CNS of multiple sclerosis patients. 临床免疫学杂志,42,308-19.

KUMAGAI C.卡尔曼,b.米德尔顿. A., vyshkina, t. & 马萨,P. T. 2012. Increased promoter methylation of the immune regulatory gene SHP-1 in leukocytes of multiple sclerosis subjects. [J]中华神经医学杂志,2004,26 (5):551 - 557.

CHRISTOPHI G.P.,荣,r.霍尔茨苹果,p.G.,马萨,p.T.,和landas, s.K. 2012 Immune markers and differential signaling networks in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Inflamm. 肠说. 18: 2342-2356.

CHRISTOPHI G.P., caza, t.柯蒂斯,c., number, d.,马萨,p.T. 还有landas, s.K. 2014 Gene expression profiles in granuloma tissue reveal novel diagnostic markers in sarcoidosis. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 96: 393-399.

沃森,N.B.施耐德,k. M.和massa, p.T. 2015 SHP-1-dependent macrophage differentiation exacerbates virus-induced myositis. J. Immunol. 194: 2796-2809.

格鲁伯,R.C.larocca, d.minchenberg, s.B.克里斯蒂安,g.P.哈德逊,c.A., RAY, A.K., shafit-zagardo, b.和massa, p.T. 2015 The control of reactive oxygen species production by SHP-1 in oligodendrocytes. 神经胶质细胞(即将出版).


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